Saturday, December 9, 2006

What do you think of this?

So my husband and I shagged today---after the
ovulation machine tester told us we're approaching ovulation.
Handy gadget..the Clearblue Easy ovulation machine.
Super sensitive and WAY better than just peeing on an
ovulation stick. Consider getting one..They're about
$200 dollars but well worth it. One person I know
was using the sticks and found out they were off
her actual ovulation by several days. She got this
machine and BLAMMO ...they just had a kid.

NOW THEN...In the past 3 weeks, I've had
one set of friends have a baby boy (which was
unplanned and which apparently the mother
wasn't too keen on having.) Another friend
had her shower and she is due December 20th and
yet ANOTHER friend just told me she's due in May.

I told my fertility acupuncturist all this and
she took my pulses and said "Well at least
the baby energy and all that
fertility is beginning to circle you and
get closer and closer to you."

WHAT? I'm thinking "What does that mean?"
It's not like catching a cold!
But then I thought...maybe there's something
to that...something in the universe..a message
or sign of some kind as the people closest to us
get pregnant?

I don't know...What do you think? It's a bit
of a mind bender...


Baby Blues said...

I do hope it's beginning to circle closer to me too! You could interpret it as a sign that you're up next. If that's the case, I better start surrounding myself with pregnant friends. Give me some of those "Baby Energy"!

Audrey said...

Well Baby Blues, on the flip side of things..I was at an association meeting yesterday and I said I had to go to a baby shower...And I said "All of our friends are pregnant." And someone groaned and said "oh man...that sucks when that happens." it cuts both ways and on any given day, I feel one way or the other about it.

What I don't want to do is agree with what the acupuncturist said and feel like we're all in line at the deli with a number on it and all my friend's numbers have been called so naturally, I'm up next.

Because if it doesn't happen that's going to be more heartbreak.

Stephanie said...

Strange but true story. After I had my surgery, I was in a friend's wedding. Totally didn't want to be there as I was feeling sick after the operation AND out of 7 bridesmaids - 5 were pregnant. Yay! Not what I was looking forward to. My girlfriend, the bride, came up to me and said, "I know today must suck for you, pretending to be happy when you are stuck around all these pregnant woman. I really appreciate you being a part of my day even though it's probably the last thing you feel like doing." I kind of broke down and she put her hands on my belly and said, "Today is my wedding day and that means I get to have any wish I want. I wish for you to get pregnant." I conceived that night. Very strange. Even stranger is that she conceived exactly the same day a year later.